Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Graduate level: Olivier Devillers, Delaunay triangulation, 6h, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil.

  • Master : J.D. Boissonnat, D. Cohen-Steiner, M. Yvinec, Computational Geometric Learning , 24h, International Master Sophia-Antipolis.

  • Master : S. Oudot, Computational Geometry: from Theory to Applications, 36h, École polytechnique.

  • Master: Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Frédéric Chazal, Mariette Yvinec, Computational Geometric Learning, 24h, Master MPRI, Paris.

  • Master: Olivier Devillers and Monique Teillaud, Algorithmes géométriques, théorie et pratique, 16h, Master SSTIM-VIM, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis.

  • Doctorat : Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Frédéric Chazal, Mariette Yvinec, Analyse géométrique des données , 7h, Ecole Jeunes Chercheurs GDR Informatique Mathématique, Perpignan.


  • PhD: Mikhail Bogdanov, Delaunay triangulations of spaces of constant negative curvature, Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis, December 9, Monique Teillaud.

  • PhD in progress: Thomas Bonis, Topological persistence for learning, started on December 2013, Frédéric Chazal.

  • PhD in progress: Mickaël Buchet, Topological and geometric inference from measures, Université Paris XI, started October 2011, Frédéric Chazal and Steve Oudot.

  • PhD in progress : Ross Hemsley, Probabilistic methods for the efficiency of geometric structures and algorithms, started October 1st 2011, Olivier Devillers.

  • PhD in progress: Ruqi Huang, Algorithms for topological inference in metric spaces, started on December 2013, Frédéric Chazal.

  • PhD in progress : Clément Maria, Data structures and Algorithms in Computational Topology, started October 1st, 2011, Jean-Daniel Boissonnat.

  • PhD in progress : Rémy Thomasse, Smoothed complexity of geometric structures and algorithms, started December 1st 2012, Olivier Devillers.

  • PhD in progress : Mael Rouxel-Labbé, Anisotropic Mesh Generation, started October 1st, 2013, Jean-Daniel Boissonnat and Mariette Yvinec.


  • Jean-Daniel Boissonnat was a member (reviewer) of the HDR defense of Dominique Attali (Univ. Grenoble).

  • Jean-Daniel Boissonnat was a member (reviewer) of the PhD defense committee of David Salinas (Univ. Grenoble). Steve Oudot was also part of that defense committee.

  • Jean-Daniel Boissonnat was a member (reviewer) of the PhD defense of Jérémy Espinas (Univ. Lyon).

  • Frédéric Chazal was a member (reviewer) of the PhD defense of Lucie Druoton (Univ. de Bourgogne).

  • Frédéric Chazal was a member (reviewer) of the PhD defense of Anaïs Vergne (Telecom Paris).

  • Olivier Devillers was a member of the HDR defense committee of Nicolas Bonichon (Univ. Bordeaux).

  • Monique Teillaud was a member of the PhD defense committee of Marcel Roeloffzen, TU Eindhoven, October.


  • Thomas Bonis, image and shape classification using persistent homology (F. Chazal)

  • Claudia Werner, Triangulations on the sphere, Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart (Monique Teillaud)

  • Arnaud Poinas, Statistical manifold reconstruction (Jean-Daniel Boissonnat)

  • Sergei Kachanovich, Graph-induced simplicial complex (Jean-Daniel Boissonnat)

  • Chunyuan Li, Persistence-based object recognition (F. Chazal and M. Ovsjanikov)

  • Venkata Yamajala, Implementing (and simplifying) the tangential complex (Jean-Daniel Boissonnat)